Psychedelic Warriors Chapter 7

25 Jun

Friday, March 8, 1968, 159 days.

I got up at 0540 hrs. and I’m dead tired.  I worked with Gary Williams in the latrine this morning.  I hate latrine detail more than any other, because it’s the dirtiest and requires more nit picking than any of the others. Not only that but the NCO in charge is Gary Williams, who is the shakiest squad leader.  His areas always pass inspection, and he could easily become part of the IG inspection team.  Maybe that’s what his goal is. 

Top spent most of the day in the blockhouse working on some project there, so I sat in the mail room reading and writing letters to Larry and Mike.  Somehow I missed the mail truck this morning, so the letters didn’t get out.  We had spaghetti for lunch, and I sat with Stryder, Smart and the Monk.

“I’m expecting a package,” the Monk told me, “it should be coming any time”

“It didn’t come in this morning.”  I told him.  “Maybe it will in the afternoon.”

“If it does, don’t put it on my bunk.”  He said.  “Hold it in the mail room until I see you after work. This time I’m getting something really special.”

When I got the mail in the afternoon, the Monk received his package.  It was post marked from San Francisco. I assumed that it was another shipment of weed or hash from one of his friends. When I saw him after work he jumped for joy and said that we would all have a great time Saturday night.

After dinner, which was pork chops and mashed potatoes with peas, we were having a G.I. party for our regular Saturday inspection.  While I was waiting for the party to begin I decided to go gung ho and put military creases in my fatigues and spit shined my boots.  Only five guys showed up for the G.I. party, so it didn’t last too long and by 1930 hrs. we quit.

Afterwards, Van Bueran, Stryder and I went to the Showcase and met Mitey, Nyles and Weeks there.  Jerry and Perry were in great form tonight and did a couple of new songs. One was “Positively 4th Street” by Dylan.  I really like that song, and want to get the album with it on it. We had a few pitchers of dark beer, and as usual I added tomato juice to mine. They performed FTA (Fuck The Army) again, and the entire place sang along. It’s one of the few original compositions that the duo performs. Since they were both in the Army, stationed at Fort Sill, before their discharge, they sing from experience, and have a great rapport with the GI’s. We finally left when they closed at midnight. I got to bed about 0030 hrs.

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