The LGBT version of Jesus Loves Muhammad

14 Jan

The only reaction that I got about my article concerning “Jesus Loves Mohammad” bumper stickers to help change the negative image of Islam for Christians, at the time of this writing was unsupportive. So I began to think to myself, maybe I was wrong in my assumption that there could be healing between the two faiths, but then I realized that perhaps a different approach was needed. Something that was more politically correct than my previous idea was needed. What is the best way to help the general public to accept new and sometimes unpopular ideas? Then I realized that the best way to make the unpalatable delicious is through humor, especially sit-coms.

Imagine a situation comedy about two gay roommates. One named Jesus Gonzalez and the other Muhammad Abd-al Ankh, who are two first generation children of immigrant parents. Jesus’s parents came to America as migrant farm workers from Mexico, and Jesus was born while they were in Oregon working on a Christmas tree farm in 1989. His father was an itinerant Christian Pentecostal minister who held services for the migrant farm workers, while he worked with them. Jesus grew up moving from one farm to another until his family finally settled in Independence, Oregon when he was 10 years old and his father became the pastor of a Spanish language church.

Muhammad’s parents immigrated to the USA in the late 1980’s from Egypt, because his father was a college professor, who was hired by California State University in Los Angeles to head up their Islamic studies department. Muhammad was born a year after his parents arrived in the USA and he was raised in Alhambra, California, a suburb of Los Angles. He and his family were involved in the local Islamic mosque as he grew up, but his parents were nominal Muslims who rarely voiced strong political opinions.

Today Jesus and Muhammad are two gay room mates who are in love and are attending Oregon State University, in Corvallis, Oregon. Jesus is in his final year of undergraduate studies where his major is Islamic history from the time of the prophet till the present and Muhammad is finishing his history degree in Latino studies since 1492 CE.  They will both graduate in May and afterwards they plan to go on to graduate school and get Doctorates in the social application of their fields of study and create institutes to help the respective ethnic groups integrate into everyday American culture, without forgetting their ethnic origins. They plan to get married immediately after graduation in May 2014.

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