Psychedelic Warriors Chapter 10

28 Jun

Monday, March 11, 1968, 156 days.

I woke up about 0545 hrs. and made it out for reveille on time.  I went back to sleep after reveille and slept right through morning detail and didn’t wake up until after work formation when Rublay came back in to ask me if I was okay.  I woke up with a start, because I was having a really weird dream. 

I dreamt that I was showing Sarah around the barracks, and the Monk came running in to warn me that her husband was coming in.  We hid her in my foot locker.  Somehow she fit into it, and when her husband came in it was captain Archer looking for his glasses inserts, to go in his gas mask.  He wanted to inspect all the lockers and footlockers to see if they were in them, and I was freaking out.  When he got to my foot locker and lifted the lid, the tray that normally holds my socks and underwear was wedged in so tight that it wouldn’t come out, so he told me to get a crowbar, so I went to the supply room, but all I could find was a 50 caliber machine gun.  By the time that I got back with the gun, he got the tray out, but my footlocker was only filled with thousands of LSD hits like we took the other night.  Captain Archer was no longer there, but instead Sarah appeared and told me that she would be waiting for me outside, and the Monk asked me if I wanted a hit, when Rublay woke me up.

After I got up I sat in the mailroom all morning and thought about my dream.  I wrote a poem about my LSD trip on Saturday, and titled it:

 “The Occurance Of An Inorganic Phenomenon”

The mind is a funnel,

That runs in an infinite tunnel.

It stops where you start,

And proceeds in the opposite direction,

Leaving your thoughts open for dissection.

The opening to the left is curious,

But its direction could be imperious.

How about the portal up above?

Let’s go see.

Oh no, I’ve found eternity!

Pulling back with astonishment and fear,

I watch my body disappear.

My limbs have developed roots,

But there’s nothing for them to grasp.

Body and mind are freed from their hasp

Prejudices are relieved,

And their reoccurrence can’t be conceived.

Everything is irrelevant.

Everyone is the same.

Life is nothing but a game.

What is an hour?

How many molecules are in a flower?

Entities all dissolve.

A minute makes up a year,

But it’s not time that you should fear.

Trying to talk is quite a chore,

And listening to me can be a bore.

Touch my hand and feel the vibrations.

In my mind is a divine power,

And the thought of its release makes me cower.

Now I’m traveling through timeless space.

I have the fear that my sanity will erase,

And then what vegetable will I be?

If it were possible, I would be myself,

But since it’s not I’ll keep me on my shelf.

The time has come to finally decide,

Whether or not the gap is infinitely wide.

Energies have ceased, there is no longer a split in the sky.

Where we were, we are again.

The ordeal is over.  Amen.

I screwed off the rest of the morning and wrote a couple of letters.  I got a letter from home today.  The weather is terrible.  It’s snowing and raining.  Now the snow is starting to take hold and stick to the ground.  I may end up having to shovel snow again tomorrow.  Hot dogs for lunch today.  Ugh!

I signed out of the battery, and into the 222nd Maintenance Company.  Then I signed out again and back to HHB 3rd FA Msl Gp. on T.D.Y..  First Sargeant Lavine says that he wishes that I were signing out for good.  Thank God that I don’t have to stay in the 222nd.  From what I saw of it they’re nothing but a bunch of slobs.  Their uniforms look like they’ve worn them for the last month, and that’s the orderly room personnel.

The snow has really piled up and it’s knee deep outside.  Van Bueran and I were going to go bowl in the 3rd Group’s league, but our plans were changed when we couldn’t pull his car out of it’s space.  I ended up volunteering to help Rublay and Larry Balfor shovel LTC Newman out of his garage tomorrow morning.  I’ll have to get up at 0500 hrs. but at least I’ll get out of regular details in the morning.  It’s 2100 hrs. and I’m going to bed now.  The TV’s broken anyway.  Mom sent me a pair of pajamas that she got on sale last month.  Since it’s so cold out, I decided to wear them.  I figured that the guys would laugh, but they actually dug them.

One Response to “Psychedelic Warriors Chapter 10”


  1. Psychedelic Warriors Chapter 9 | ♪Jesus♬Rocks♬The♬World♪ - June 28, 2024

    […] Psychedelic Warriors Chapter 10 […]

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