Detroit “Is” Motown

25 Mar
Detroit Skyline 1994

Motown was where it was at in the 1960’s. It had the music, it had the industry and by the 1970’s it had the fastest growing suburb in the country. That was Macomb County which contained Warren, where I lived from the time I was 8 until I was drafted into the army in 1966. My high school friends and I would fearlessly venture into downtown Detroit and discover the whorehouses, art theaters and blind pig illegal after hour clubs that were common in the downtown black neighborhood.

Detroit Skyline 1994 #2

While I was in the army during what San Francisco called the “Summer of Love,” Detroit burned. I was on leave the 2 weeks before the riots began and during that time my friends and I hung out at one downtown after hours club run by a guy named Bill. One of my high school friends had discovered this place and became friends with Bill, so we were all welcome. Unfortunately, a week after I returned to Ft. Sill, Oklahoma after my leave, rioting broke out in Detroit. It was because 2 returning Vietnam vets were celebrating their safe return by hanging out at a Blind Pig a couple of blocks down from Bill’s place when the police arrested them and their friends. The rest is history.

Detroit Skyline 1994 #3

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